Dauphinoise Potatoes Recipe

Use good size potatoes.
500ml Double Cream
2 Cloves of Garlic finely chopped or crushed
Salt and Pepper
75g of Butter 


  1. Peel the potatoes and slice each one into 2-3mm slices. As you slice them add them to a dish with around 2 inch depth creating a layer of potato, make sure they slightly overlap.

  2. On top of the first layer sprinkle salt and pepper and a little garlic, then add a little cream to cover potatoes.

  3. Then repeat the last two steps until all the potatoes have been used. Make sure that you carefully push the layers of potatoes down as you stack them up.

  4. Make sure that the cream isn't drowning the potatoes, then on the top layer put salt and pepper as the other layers and add a few knobs of butter.

  5. Place into oven at around 160-180c for around 40-60 minutes, make sure the cream doesn't split, it would be better to put them on a lower temperature for longer than try and speed things up, towards the end check that the Dauphinoise potatoes are cooked by putting a knife through them, if they are nice and soft then they are cooked.

Variations & Menu options:
If using double cream is to heavy, you could always use single cream or full fat milk.
As the original Dauphinoise potatoes recipe is very tasty by itself you could simply have this with a nice salad. It keeps well once cooked so you could have this option the next day it just needs to be re heated in the microwave.

I hope you enjoy !

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